在安裝之後配置 Oracle 9i for Tivoli Identify Manager
如果您要配置用於 Tivoli Identity Manager 組織架構的 Oracle,必須完成多個後置安裝作業。
- 驗證 $ORACLE_HOME /dbs/init.ora 檔中存在下行:
- Oracle 8i:
- Oracle 9i:
- Oracle 8i:
- 建立資料庫來使用 Tivoli Identity Manager。
下面是一個可用來建立資料庫的 SQL Script 範例。您應配合網站的需求,來變更 Script 中的值。
-- Create database CREATE DATABASE sample CONTROLFILE REUSE LOGFILE '/u01/oracle/sample/redo01.log' SIZE 1M REUSE, '/u01/oracle/sample/redo02.log' SIZE 1M REUSE, '/u01/oracle/sample/redo03.log' SIZE 1M REUSE, '/u01/oracle/sample/redo04.log' SIZE 1M REUSE DATAFILE '/u01/oracle/sample/system01.dbf' SIZE 10M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M MAXSIZE 200M CHARACTER SET UTF8; -- Create another (temporary) system tablespace CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb_temp STORAGE (INITIAL 100 k NEXT 250 k); -- Alter temporary system tablespace online before proceeding ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb_temp ONLINE; -- Create additional tablespaces ... -- RBS: For rollback segments -- USERs: Create user sets this as the default tablespace -- TEMP: Create user sets this as the temporary tablespace CREATE TABLESPACE rbs DATAFILE '/u01/oracle/sample/sample.dbf' SIZE 5M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 150M; CREATE TABLESPACE users DATAFILE '/u01/oracle/sample/users01.dbf' SIZE 3M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 150M; CREATE TABLESPACE temp DATAFILE '/u01/oracle/sample/temp01.dbf' SIZE 2M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5M MAXSIZE 150M; -- Create rollback segments. CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb1 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K NEXT 250K) tablespace rbs; CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb2 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K NEXT 250K) tablespace rbs; CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb3 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K NEXT 250K) tablespace rbs; CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb4 STORAGE(INITIAL 50K NEXT 250K) tablespace rbs; -- Bring new rollback segments online and drop the temporary system one ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb1 ONLINE; ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb2 ONLINE; ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb3 ONLINE; ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb4 ONLINE; ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb_temp OFFLINE; DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT rb_temp ;
- 將 Oracle 連線的值從預設值 50 增加到值 150,方法為編輯 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/init.ora 檔的 PROCESSES 參數。
不同企業的 Oracle 連線需求可能有很大的差異。 請將連線值設為適合您環境所用的值。
- 以 alter sql 指令,將 Oracle 表格空間從預設值增加為最大值。
SQL> alter database datafile 'location of DBF file\ENROLE1_DATA_001.DBF' resize 500m SQL> alter database datafile 'Oracle db location of DBF file\ENROLE1_IDX_001.DBF'resize 500m