CentOS / RHEL 7 : How to setup yum repository using locally mounted DVD


yum is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPM software packages from official Red Hat software repositories, as well as other third-party repositories. The post below describes step by step procedure to use a locally mounted RHEL 7 DVD iso as yum repository.

1. Mount the RHEL 7 installation media ISO to some directory. For example /mnt :

# mount -o loop rhel7.iso /mnt

Also read : Linux / UNIX : How to mount an iso file

2. Copy the media.repo file from the mounted directory /mnt /etc/yum.repos.d/ and name it as rhel7.repo.


# cp /mnt/media.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo

3. Give appropriate permissions to the repository file.

# chmod 644 /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo

4. Modify the repo file and change the parameter gpgcheck=0 to gpgcheck=1 and add below 3 lines to the same file.


5. Once you have done all the changes, the final repo file shiould look like below.( Note that – media-id may be different depending on the version of RHEL for which DVD is used)

name=DVD for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 Server

6. Make sure you clear the related caches by yum clean all and subscription-manager clean once.

# yum clean all
# subscription-manager clean


Verify if you can list out the packages from the repo you just created.

# yum  --noplugins list
# yum repolist -v
    ISO-Server                                               | 4.1 kB     00:00     
    (1/2): ISO-Server/group_gz                                 | 134 kB   00:00     
    (2/2): ISO-Server/primary_db                               | 3.4 MB   00:00     
    Setting up Package Sacks
    pkgsack time: 0.001
    Repo-id      : ISO-Server
    Repo-name    : RHEL 7 Server DVD
    Repo-revision: 1424360184
    Repo-updated : Thu Feb 19 10:36:27 2017
    Repo-pkgs    : 4,371
    Repo-size    : 3.2 G
    Repo-baseurl : file:///mnt/
    Repo-expire  : 21,600 second(s) (last: Fri Jul 10 12:55:47 2017)
    Repo-filename: ///etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo

    repolist: 4,371