Changing replication target server IP for VTL/SIR replication
Once replication on a dedupe policy is enabled, the IP address in the target server cannot be changed. In the event the IP address must be changed, it has do be performed using the provided utility via an ssh session.
The utility is only available in VTL 5.2 version.
Prerequisite OS Knowledge
Prerequisite Storage Knowledge
Prerequisite Application Knowledge
Prerequisite General Knowledge
Additional Prerequisite Skills:
Linux vi
VIT tape replication
Required State of Operation
Tools and Utilities
convertip tape_target_ip
Cautionary Statement
Pre-Operation Checklist
Detailed Instructions
On Primary server:
- Using vi to edit /usr/local/vtl/etc/convertip.dat
- Add line "Old_IP_Address=>New_IP_Address" to the file
- Run# convertip
- Run# tape_target_ip -s <server_hostname> -n <target_server_name> -f <target_old_IP> -t <target_new_IP>
- Restart vtl-s server
On Target server:
- Change the ip on the target: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (This can also be performed with the VTL console)
- Run "Service network restart"