Diff two day with bash


date2stamp () 
	date --utc --date "$1" +%s

stamp2date ()
	date --utc --date "1970-01-01 $1 sec" "+%Y-%m-%d %T"

dateDiff (){
	case $1 in
		-s)   sec=1;      shift;;
		-m)   sec=60;     shift;;
		-h)   sec=3600;   shift;;
		-d)   sec=86400;  shift;;
		*)    sec=86400;;
		dte1=$(date2stamp $1)
		dte2=$(date2stamp $2)
		if ((diffSec < 0)); then abs=-1; else abs=1; fi
		echo $((diffSec/sec*abs))
# USAGE # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 
# convert a date into a UNIX timestamp
#		stamp=$(date2stamp "2014-10-10 00:00")
#		echo $stamp

# from timestamp to date
#		stamp2date $stamp
# calculate the number of days between 2 dates
# -s in sec. | -m in min. | -h in hours  | -d in days (default)
# dateDiff -s "2006-10-01" "2006-10-32"
# dateDiff -m "2006-10-01" "2006-10-32"
# dateDiff -h "2006-10-01" "2006-10-32"
# dateDiff -d "2006-10-01" "2006-10-32"
# dateDiff  "2006-10-01" "2006-10-32"

# number of seconds between two times
# dateDiff -s "17:55" "23:15:07"
# dateDiff -m "17:55" "23:15:07"
# dateDiff -h "17:55" "23:15:07"
# number of minutes from now until the end of the year
dateDiff -d "now" "2014-10-30 24:00:00 CST"

# Other standard goodies from GNU date not too well documented in the man pages
# assign a value to the variable dte for the examples below
# dte="2006-10-01 06:55:55"
# echo $dte
# add 2 days, one hour and 5 sec to any date
# date --date "$dte  2 days 1 hour 5 sec"
# substract from any date
# date --date "$dte 3 days 5 hours 10 sec ago"
# date --date "$dte -3 days -5 hours -10 sec"
# or any mix of +/-. What will be the date in 3 months less 5 days
# date --date "now +3 months -5 days"
# date --iso-8601=seconds --date "sun oct 1 5:45:02PM"
# date --iso-8601=minutes
# time conversions into RFC-822 format
# date --rfc-822 --date "sun oct 1 5:45:02PM"