Git with Redmine

Redmine is a free and open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. It includes a calendar and Gantt charts to aid visual representation of the projects.

After setting up Redmine we need to have git interfacing with it for browsing and commits etc.

We follow the below guide to have git up and running.

Ensure port 9148 is open on local (forwarding) and remote (input) firewalls.

Ensure you add you public SSH key under ‘My Account’ in Redmine.

At The ‘Repositories’ tab on the project you are working on.

Follow the instructions for initialising a git project on your local machine.


mkdir taxisnap
cd taxisnap/
git init
touch readme.txt
git add readme.txt
git commit -m 'Initializing TAXI SNAP repository'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Other commands you might like to use:

git remote rm origin
git config -l

Global git configurations will be in your home directory under .gitconfig For example you may be behind a proxy:

proxy = http://username:password@

Git Setup:

	Download and Install Git
	git config --global "Joe"
	git config --global

Repository Setup:

	mkdir bbb
	cd bbb
	git init
	touch readme.txt
	git add readme.txt
	git commit -m 'Initializing BBB SITE repository'
	git remote add origin
	git push -u origin master

Existing Git Repo?

	cd existing_git_repo
	git remote add origin git@joe:bbb.git
	git push -u origin master