How to delete HCP object command batch mode

New an HCPDM profile for send hcpdm.bat command to HCP bucket for file operation process.

Here’s a sample hcpdm command that creates a namespace profile that identifies an HCP namespace in a release 6.x HCP system. The command is shown for Windows. The command is the same for Unix except for the initial command name.

hcpdm.bat profile –create “Finance Europe” –type HCP60 –hostname –tenant europe –namespace finance –ssl –username lgreen –password p4ssw0rd

This command creates a namespace profile named Finance Europe that: • Identifies the finance namespace owned by the europe tenant defined in the HCP system • Uses a domain name and SSL for communicating with the HCP system • Connects using the user account with the username lgreen and password p4ssw0rd

Delete object files in file delete_file.txt

D:\hcpdm\bin>hcpdm.bat delete -p phillips –path /be648789-1cd2-4bf8-980b-da824f305f53-2/SIR_Data-33/Data/0000/ /hcpdm/delete_file.txt
100 objects found, 100/100 files deleted

Job Summary

Status : Completed
Objects Found : 100
Total Objects to Delete : 100
Successful : 100
Errors : 0
Total Time : 9 seconds

Delete object folder in file delete_file.txt

D:\hcpdm\bin>hcpdm.bat delete -p phillips –path / /hcpdm/delete_file.txt
6 objects found, 6/6 files deleted