IPStor FSOST support NBU7/8 AIR command example
At NBU Source side:
./fsost createlsu -storage_server H13-97 -lsu H13-97-S-001-H12-217 -size 1024 -cj 8 -u root -p IPStor101 -storage_pool Tape-10001
./fsost createlsu -storage_server H13-102 -lsu H13-102-T-001-H12-217 -size 1024 -cj 8 -u root -p IPStor101
./fsost attachlsu -storage_server H13-97 -lsu H13-97-004 -u root -p IPStor101 -client H12-217 -target backup
./fsost attachlsu -storage_server H13-102 -lsu H13-102-T-001-H12-217 -u root -p IPStor101 -target replication
Re-scan new add LSU
At NBU Target side:
./fsost attachlsu -storage_server H13-102 -lsu H13-102-T-001-H12-217 -u root -p IPStor101 -target backup
Re-scan new add LSU
Back to NBU source side:
[root@H12-217 bin]# ./fsost cfglsu -storage_server H13-97 -lsu H13-97-S-001-H12-217 -u root -p IPStor101 -sir_policy AUTO -r_server H13-102 -ru root -rp IPStor101 -dedupe inline -targetlsu LSU_H13-102-T-001-H12-217
OSTVTLSetup::cfg_lsu: Successfully configured LSU [LSU_H13-97-S-001-H12-217].
LSU Info:
LSU Name: LSU_H13-97-S-001-H12-217
LSU Size: 1024 GB
Time stamp: 1514533757
Number of drives: 8
SIR policy: SIR_LSU_H13-97-S-001-H12-217
Dedupe Option: Total Inline
Storage Pool: Tape-10001
Duplication Target: H13-102
Duplication Target 2: NULL
AIR Target LSU: LSU_LSU_H13-102-T-001-H12-217
AIR Target 2 LSU: NULL
Target Mode: BACKUP
The Replication source [v] checked
The Storage Units set [maximum concurrent jobs = 100]
The LifeCycle Policy naming have to the same at source / target NBU