lnav - Log viewer tool
Command Reference
This reference covers the commands used to control lnav. Consult the built-in help in lnav for a more detailed explanation of each command.
Note that almost all commands support TAB-completion for their arguments, so if you are in doubt as to what to type for an argument, you can double tap the TAB key to get suggestions.
The set of log messages that are displayed in the log view can be controlled with the following commands:
- filter-in <regex> – Only display log lines that match a regex.
- filter-out <regex> – Do not display log lines that match a regex.
- disable-filter <regex> – Disable the given filter.
- enable-filter <regex> – Enable the given filter.
- delete-filter <regex> – Delete the filter.
- set-min-log-level <level> – Only display log lines with the given log level or higher.
- hide-lines-before <abs-time|rel-time> – Hide lines before the given time.
- hide-lines-after <abs-time|rel-time> – Hide lines after the given time.
- show-lines-before-and-after – Show lines that were hidden by the “hide-lines” commands.
- goto <line#|N%|abs-time|relative-time> – Go to the given line number, N percent into the file, the given timestamp in the log view, or by the relative time (e.g. ‘a minute ago’).
- relative-goto <line#|N%> – Move the current view up or down by the given amount.
- next-mark error|warning|search|user|file|partition – Move to the next bookmark of the given type in the current view.
- prev-mark error|warning|search|user|file|partition – Move to the previous bookmark of the given type in the current view.