NetBackup status code: 1573
NetBackup status code: 1573
Message: Backup image cannot be expired because its SLP processing is not yet complete
Explanation: You tried to expire one or more copies of an SLP-managed image. The SLP processing that depends on those copies is not complete. The image cannot be expired.
Recommended Action: Do one of the following:
- Wait until SLP processing for that image is complete, then retry the expiration operation.
- Use the nbstlutil -cancel command to cancel further processing on the relevant image. Then retry the expiration operation.
- Add the -force_not_complete option to the bpexpdate command to force expiration even if the image-copy is not SLP complete.
Use the parameter -notimmediate if there are multiple images to be deleted. Refer to HOWTO43656 for more details. To expire a single backup image, execute as follows.
bpexpdate -backupid <backup_image_id> -d 0 -M <Master_server_name> -force_not_complete
bpexpdate -backupid <backup_image_id> -d 0 -M <Master_server_name> -force_not_complete
The <backup_image_id>
To expire ALL backup images on the disk pool, execute:
bpexpdate -stype PureDisk -dp MSDP_DiskPoolName -force_not_complete