Postfix support SASLv2 for SMTP Auth


A small business with two departments. Each department need their own email domain. Our fellow John has responsibilities in our two departments business. It is pretty sure that he wants to have the same nick name on each department mailbox domain. The space of each created mailbox will be limited to 20MB to avoid reaching the end of our 40GB hard drive space and by consequence the mail system inoperabilty. The business growing is a fact, so we need to build the system in order to accept more departments and users easily.


  • Postfix as the Mail Transfer Agent.
  • Cyrus-Imapd to reach mailboxes.
  • SASL for authentication.

Before configuration start, let's take a look to the involved elements and the way the email system it's supposed to work:

Here we'll create mailboxes that won't be stored in Postfix and won't use system accounts for authentication. The mailboxes will be created in Cyrus-Imapd and user authentication will be managed by SASL. In this configuration Postfix use LMTP protocol to communicate with Cyrus-Imapd mailboxes.

Generally, when a client wants to send a mail message it talks to Postfix. If the mail is for local delivery, Postfix checks the address and delivers the mail message into Cyrus-Imapd related mailbox. The message is delivered into Cyrus-Imapd mailbox, if the checks are passed and no rejection took place. If all is correct, at this time the message is stored in its related local mailbox, ready to be read from its owner. If the mail is for external delivery, Postfix asks into Internet to determine whom to talk to, and so to deliver the message.

To reach mailboxes, the client needs to authenticate against SASL database first. If authentication is passed the client can reach its mailbox where the mail messages are. To reach mail, clients can do it through a Mail User Agent with IMAP or POP3 protocols support (actually Thunderbird is a nice one, but there are lots of them out there.).

This process is illustrated in the following figure:


          Incoming Mail |--+     Postfix  <-----------| Outgoing Mail  |
                          -|----------------                     |
                          ||     LMTP      |                     |
                          -|----------------                     |
                          |+>    Cyrus    +----------------+     |
                          |+>    Imapd    ||---->+         |     |
                          -|--------------|-     |         |     |
                          ||Authentication||    2|        1|     |
                          |+<    SASL    <+|     v         ^     |
                          ------------------     |Receiving|  |Sending|
                                                     |           |
                                                 |     Mail Client    |

With the idea of what we want in mind, next we'll configure each element of our mail system, in this case Postfix as the MTA, Cyrus-Imapd as the mailbox store, and SALS for authentication user accounts.

The Setup System is for RHEL6 or CentOS6 after replease version, before start reading this document, you can refer Enable POP3 mail server service on IPStor Server​ for know POP3 and SASL setup.

Below steps about the setup postfix procedure:

$yum install postfix 

$vi /etc/postfix/ for add lines

smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_autheNticated,permit_mynetworks,check_relay_domains
smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostname

The postfix basic configuration:

myhostname =
mydomain =
myorigin = $myhostname
inet_interfaces = all
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
relayhost = $mydomain
smtpd_client_restrictions = check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/access
mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp



The /etc/postfix/access, edit below line and run $postmap /etc/postfix/access OK # this can add IPStor server IP

The run postmap /etc/postfix/access

* Why we have this document that reason is when QA try to reproduce BZ # 21422 email alert (callhome) issue. The issue cause callhome open more than one socket for connect to SMTP server. QA need to DISABLE SMTP EHLO support and we try to drop the EHLO request package by iptables tool. But it only see the callhome have panding Send-Q number 19. After try search the EHLO support with SMTP server and know the postfix have option can do that.

# vi /etc/postfix/
smtp_never_send_ehlo = yes
smtp_always_send_ehlo = no


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By Phillips Hsieh


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2024年 3月30日 14屆美利達環彰化百K

2024年 3月30日 14屆美利達環彰化百K

這是場半小時就被秒報名額滿的經典賽事, 能順利出賽實屬隊友的功勞, 這次的準備工作想試試新買的外胎, 因為是無內胎用的外胎, 特別緊超級難安裝的, 問了其他朋友才知道, 要沾上肥皂水才容易滑入車框。 一早四點起床準備, 五點集合備好咖啡在車上飲用, 約了六點在彰化田尾鄉南鎮國小, 整好裝四人一起出發前往會場。 被排在最後一批出發, 這次的路線會繞行的員林148上139縣道, 其實在早上五點多天就開始有點飄雨, 大伙就開始擔心不會要雨戰吧! 果不其然才出發準備上148爬坡雨勢越來越大, 戴著防風眼鏡的我在身體的熱氣加上雨水冷凝效果下, 鏡面上滿是霧氣肉眼可視距離才剩不到五公尺, 只能緊依前前方的車友幫忙開路, 之後洪大跟上來我立馬請求他幫忙開路, 上了139停下車把防風眼鏡收起來, 反正下雨天又陰天完全用不到太陽眼鏡了。 雨是邊下邊打雷, 大伙都在這條139上一台一台單車好像避電針, 一時有點害怕不然想平時沒做什麼壞事, 真打到自己就是天意了。 下了139雨勢開始變小, 大伙的速度開始有所提昇, 開高鐵列車的時機己成熟, 物色好列車就跟好跟滿。 最後找了一隊似乎整團有固定在練

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2023 12月9號 美利達單車嘉年華

2023 12月9號 美利達單車嘉年華

第二次參加美利達環南投賽事, 還記得去年第一次參加這美利達環南投, 還特地提前一天跟車友在魚池住了一晚。 這回用上了剛在7月份剛安裝的車頂架, 安裝了二種不同的攜車架, 都樂這邊可以不用拆車輪直上車頂, YAKIMA這邊選了經濟的款式, 折掉前輪利用前叉固定在攜車架上。 約了唯一一位一起參加的朋友, 二人一早四點約見面, 幫朋友帶上了拿鐵咖啡, 開上日月潭在水社碼頭停好車, 騎往向山遊客中心, 路過美麗的日月潭簡直不要太美了拍一張。 抵達會場己是人山人海了, 跟著大伙排隊順便也看網紅也欣賞名車。 出發就先沿著日月潭順時針騎, 騎到玄裝寺很急停下來上一下廁所, 比賽時都會尿都特別的滿, 一方面是比較緊張,一方面是特別興奮。 這時己經跟車友失散了, 只能獨推沿路看有沒有車友可以一起組隊的, 很可惜在山區大家的實力不一只求平安順騎了, 原則就是有補給就停有食物就吃。 下到水里人群再次聚集起來, 光等紅綠燈就是一條車龍。 騎行了一大圈水里再回到131縣道, 這時背後傳來熟悉的聲音叫菲哥, 終於跟車友重新集合接下來就一路邊聊邊騎。 最後來幾張專業攝影師拍攝的照片 回到終點台上

By Phillips Hsieh