What files are in a CDP/NSS V7 X-ray?



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Q: What files are in a CDP/NSS X-ray?

A: Refer to the table below for CDP/NSS v7 X-ray files. 
Files in blue, are commonly used by Tech Support for preliminary troubleshooting.
Files in green are used for further investigation.

.bash_history OS History of system commands entered on the terminal
archived-sar.tar.gz OS System activity statistics gathered by Linux SAR utility in /var/log/sa
backup_fmtrace.txt Failover Backup of failover module trace file
backup_smchildtrace.txt Failover Backup of self-monitor child processes trace file
backup_smtrace.txt Failover Backup of self-monitor module trace file
callhome.log Email Alerts E-mail alerts generated on the server
CAN´T_FIND_filename   Indicates the specified file does not exist
certified_active_active_storage.conf Multipath Storage Devices certified for multipath management and load balancing with active-active behavior
certified_alua_storage.conf Multipath Storage Devices certified for multipath management and load balancing with ALUA behavior
fmtrace.txt Failover Failover module trace file
fmtrace_bak.tgz Failover Failover module trace files in log/fm directory
fsping.log Replication Output of ping replicaIP command that is enabled if the environment variable NOPINGREPLICA is set to 1 to regularly check connection to the replica server
fspipeinfo.out Communication pipe Last command in the communication pipe between management core and IO core
fsrpcinfo.out Communication pipe Last RPC command in the communication pipe between management core and RPC calls from GUI, CLI, etc.
info Server status Information including but not limited to: host name, IP network configuration, physical disk, modules and running processes, OS kernel version, memory information, disk usage, mounted file systems, CPU information, IO core information
ipmifru IPMI IPMI power control Field Replaceable Units (FRU)
ipmilog IPMI IPMI power control event log indicating other physical events such as opening the server case
ipmisensor IPMI IPMI power control state for all chassis sensors
kallsyms Kernel Exported kernel symbols
messages Server messages Messages in the system log to trace server activity and status
msg.log Installation USB installation log
omreport DELL DELL OpenManage report on server hardware and OS
role Installation Server role such as CDP or NSS
rpm OS RPMs installed on the server
sar OS Output of Linux SAR utility collecting performance of various Linux subsystems (CPU, Memory, I/O..) in real time.
smtrace.txt Failover Self-monitor module trace file
smtrace_bak.tgz Failover Self-monitor module trace files in log/sm directory
tsnap_debug.log Replication Replication debug traces
Files in bin directory
CAN´T_FIND_filename   Indicates the specified file does not exist
ipstor Server startup Server start/stop script
postRecovery Failover Script called after recovering from a failover
postReturnBack Failover Script called after returning back from a takeover
postTakenOver Failover Script called after being taken over by the partner server
postTakeOver Failover Script called after taking over the partner server
preRecovery Failover Script called prior to recovering from a failover
preReturnBack Failover Script called prior to returning back from a takeover
preTakenOver Failover Script called prior to being taken over by the partner server
preTakeOver Failover Script called prior to taking over the partner server
Files in conf directory 
.is.sh Environment variables Server environment variable settings
.iskperm.env Advanced environment variables Sysvar permanent kernel parameters editable from the console
.isktemp.env Advanced environment variables Sysvar temporary kernel parameters
.isuperm.env Advanced environment variables Sysvar permanent user parameters editable from the console
.isutemp.env Advanced environment variables Sysvar temporary user parameters
callhome.conf Email Alerts E-mail alert configuration file
CAN´T_FIND_filename   Indicates the specified file does not exist
crontab OS Scheduled tasks run by OS, defined in cron job configuration file in /etc
exports NAS NFS exported shares
fshba.conf FC Fibre Channel HBA settings
grub.conf OS OS boot configuration file in /etc
ifcfg-ethx OS Network configuration file for an Ethernet device x in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
ifcfg-lo OS Network configuration file the loopback device in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
ifcfg-scix OS Network configuration file for the failover SCI device x in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
ipstorclient.conf Client Obsolete – Configuration file for SAN/IP Linux client
IPStorSNMP.conf SNMP SNMP Traps configuration
kdump.conf OS Kernel dump utility configuration file
modprobe.conf OS Driver options and parameters used for loading the related module for devices such as NIC and SCSI controllers
network OS Network configuration file indicating the host name, gateway, and domain name in /etc/sysconfig/
openiscsicfg.tar iSCSI OpeniSCSI configuration files in /etc/iscsi
resolv.conf OS DNS server configuration file in /etc
snmpd.conf SNMP SNMP agent configuration file
syslog.check Email Alerts System log message patterns to be checked for e-mail alerts
syslog.ignore Email Alerts System log message patterns to be ignored for e-mail alerts
updates Patch Information on installation, applied patches, and rolled back patches
userprefpath.dat Multipath Storage Preferred path information used by the Console
Files in conf/HOSTNAME directory 
CAN´T_FIND_filename   Indicates the specified file does not exist
ccm.xml CCM CCM XML configuration file
ccm.xml.old CCM Previous CCM configuration file
ccmclient.xml CCM Client configuration file for CCM
ccmclient.xml.old CCM Previous client configuration file for CCM
ccmdeploymentstatus.xml CCM Client installation information for CCM
ccmgroup.xml CCM Client group information for CCM
ccmpolicy.xml CCM Client backup policy information for CCM
exports NAS NFS exported shares
failover_state Failover Failover status
fss.cap.conf.bak FileSafe Previous FileSafe Server configuration file
ipmi.conf IPMI IPMI power control configuration file
ipmi.conf.bak IPMI Backup of IPMI power control configuration file
ipmi.date IPMI Date of the last copy of IPMI configuration file to the Configuration Repository
ipmi.date1 IPMI Current date of the IPMI configuration file
ipstor.conf Configuration XML configuration file for physical devices, logical devices, SAN clients
ipstor.conf.backup Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.fo Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.fomgr Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules for merging configuration
ipstor.conf.fomgr.previous Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.ndx Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.org Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.org.previous Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.previous Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.test Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.conf.ws_1325001882 Configuration Copy of the XML configuration file used by failover modules
ipstor.dat Console Dynamic XML file used by the Console to display current status, such as physical device status, snapshot copy status, failover status
ipstor.dat.cache Console Copy of the dynamic XML status file
ipstor.dat.cache.previous Console Previous copy of the dynamic XML status file
ipstor.dat.previous Console Previous copy of the dynamic XML status file
ipstorsmb.conf NAS Samba configuration for NAS
iseventdb Report SQLite database file for TimeMark activity statistics
isusage Report Statistics for disk allocation usage
isusers.conf User Accounts User accounts created in the Console
isusers.conf.previous User Accounts Previous user accounts
lic.date License Date of the last copy of license files to configuration repository
lic.date1 License Current date of license files
lmhosts NAS Samba NetBIOS host name
nas.conf NAS NAS configuration, file systems, NAS shares
nas.conf.previous NAS Previous NAS configuration file
nas.date NAS Date of previous NAS configuration file
nasrsvdlist.conf NAS NAS reserved UID, GID range and mapping users between Linux and Windows
nasuser.conf NAS NAS users and groups
replication.link.types.conf Replication Network link speed information for replication
repsched.conf Report Report schedule configuration file
rmtab OS Hosts that have remotely mounted files systems of this server
rmtab.date OS Date of remote mounted file systems
rmtab.date1 OS Date of remote mounted file systems
rptstat.cap.conf Report Capability to perform statistics by a separate RPC process other than CLI proxy
serverloc.conf Console Server physical location information
smb.conf NAS Samba configuration file
smb.log NAS Samba events. Look here for client errors as well as authentication errors between the IPStor server and the domain controller
smstatusfile.txt Failover Health status got from the configuration repository by Self-monitor module
statslog.conf Report Statistics options XML file
usermap NAS NAS UIDs and user names, GIDs, and group names
vsstable.conf Snapshot XML configuration file for VSS snapshots
Files in conf/HOSTNAME/license directory 
KEYCODE.l4 License LicenseLicense key code file
KEYCODE.lic License LicenseLicense key code scheme prior to CMS licensing version
KEYCODE.sig License LicenseLicense signature file confirming that the KEYCODE has been registered
KEYCODE.dat License License export material for an offline registration
License KEYCODE removed using the console or CLI
Files in conf/quoreplog directory
quorep.log Configuration repository Log of quorum disk activity
quorep.log.x.gz Configuration repository Backup of quorum disk activity log