Object Storage
Dell R720XD H710P mini B0 IT Mode Flashing
Enhance TrueNAS like as Software RAID performance
Object Storage
Enhance TrueNAS like as Software RAID performance
硬體環境 16GB FC target H12-100(R610) + SAS DAS MD1200 * 2 8 *32GB FC target H6-203(R740) 4 * 32GB FC Initiator H4-52(R730) and H4-57(R730) 32Gb Brocade 6100 軟體環境 OEL7U6 Ansible VM wget https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm -ihv epel-release-latest-7.noarch.
Troubleshooting steps 1. Disable Win2019 UAC follow link https://asvignesh.in/disabling-uac-on-the-windows-server-2019/ 2. Verify the masterserver is correctly configured with IP address and hostname C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -debug That error about the hostname+dns suffix namd is not allow to authorized hostname server
In this tutorial, How to install Netdata on RHEL 7 / CENTOS 7. Netdata is performance and health monitoring for systems and applications. It is a monitoring agent you install on all your systems. Why use Netdata * High-resolution metrics * Monitors everything * Install and get results immediately * Requires zero dedicated resources * Open-source,
media changer tool mtx is a native linux media changer tool, it controls SCSI media changer devices.The mtx command controls single or multi-drive SCSI media changers such as tape changers, autoloaders, tape libraries, or optical media jukeboxes. It can also be used with media changers that use the ’ATTACHED’
file system
1. Introduction With the release of Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2, I am frequently asked about how older versions of Windows will behave when connecting to or from these new versions. Upgrading to a new version of SMB is something that happened a few times over the
升級 文件中 sta 否支持 sha2 authent lte 子句 bubuko 使用PHP連接MySQL 8的時候,可能會發生如標題所示的錯誤: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client 發生這種錯誤,是由於MySQL 8默認使用了新的密碼驗證插件:caching_sha2_password,而之前的PHP版本中所帶的mysqlnd無法支持這種驗證。解決這個問題,有兩種辦法。 一種辦法是升級PHP支持MySQL 8的新驗證插件。 PHP 7.2.8和PHP 7.1.20已經可以支持caching_sha2_password,直接連接MySQL 8。 截止PHP 7.0.31和PHP
UUIDs (Universal Unique Identifier) for network interface card can be generated using the following command (CommandShell): uuidgen [device] Example ( CommandShell ): uuidgen eth0 Then you can add it to your NIC config file (assuming your interface is eth0) : /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Add/modify the following (NIC configuration file): UUID=[uuid]
Last Updated: 2021/2/9Categories: TroubleshootingTotal Views: 249806Language:subscribe Symptoms PurposeThis article provides steps to allow the application to continue to function while giving steps to allow reduce the footprint of the database on disk. Cause Most likely the database is holding redundant data. The redundant data that the database
參考網路上的分享文章 https://gainanov.pro/eng-blog/linux/rhel8-install-to-dell-raid/提到有網路位置分享RHEL8不支援的driver disk image ISO檔 https://elrepo.org/linux/dud/el8/x86_64/可以在光碟開機安裝選擇畫面下按下[Tab] key然後在最後輸入下列範例>vmlinuz installrd=initrd.img inst.dd=https://elrepo.org/linux/dud/el8/x86_64/dd-mpt3sas- 在公司機房我把支援CentOS8.3/OEL8U3的 Boot ISO
Reference link https://community.influxdata.com/t/commad-to-delete-a-particular-series-from-influxdb/5600/2 This is simply what I’ve run and it seems to have worked: DROP SERIES FROM "measurement" WHERE "tag" = 'value' Example for delete host=H13-92 influx -database grafana -host localhost -port 8086 -username root
Object Storage
New an HCPDM profile for send hcpdm.bat command to HCP bucket for file operation process. Here’s a sample hcpdm command that creates a namespace profile that identifies an HCP namespace in a release 6.x HCP system. The command is shown for Windows. The command is the same