


While attempting to login to the NBU administration console, the following error is observed: Unable to get data for client from server (Status 25)

Troubleshooting steps 1. Disable Win2019 UAC follow link https://asvignesh.in/disabling-uac-on-the-windows-server-2019/ 2. Verify the masterserver is correctly configured with IP address and hostname C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bptestbpcd -verbose -debug That error about the hostname+dns suffix namd is not allow to authorized hostname server

PHP錯誤:SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client

升級 文件中 sta 否支持 sha2 authent lte 子句 bubuko 使用PHP連接MySQL 8的時候,可能會發生如標題所示的錯誤: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2054] The server requested authentication method unknown to the client 發生這種錯誤,是由於MySQL 8默認使用了新的密碼驗證插件:caching_sha2_password,而之前的PHP版本中所帶的mysqlnd無法支持這種驗證。解決這個問題,有兩種辦法。 一種辦法是升級PHP支持MySQL 8的新驗證插件。 PHP 7.2.8和PHP 7.1.20已經可以支持caching_sha2_password,直接連接MySQL 8。 截止PHP 7.0.31和PHP