Ubuntu 20.04 how to use PRIME to use iGPU on old notebook Intel + Nvidia GPU
參考這篇來使用舊核心kernel開機並安裝nvidia-340 舊機改造計畫之二 CPU and 顯示卡驅動 https://fullshinetw.ddns.net/jiu-ji-gai-zao-ji-hua-zhi-er/
新增開機參數 /etc/default/grub and update kernel boot parameter
nogpumanager nomodeset i915.modeset=1 quiet splash
sudo update-grub2
關閉 gpu-manager.service of systemctl 等同kernel cmdline參數nogpumanager
sudo systemctl disable gpu-manager.servic
新增Intel device參數 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf
Section "Device"
Identifier "My GPU"
Driver "nvidia"
Option "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1;"
Section "Device"
Identifier "intel"
Driver "modesetting"
BusID "PCI:0:2:0"
nvidia-smi command output